Craig’s Fundraising Campaign

FIREFIGHTER PADDLING AROUND TASMANIA RAISING AWARNESS AND FUNDS FOR MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE RESEARCH Tasmania Branch member and Leading Firefighter Craig Machen is raising funds for Motor Neurone Disease (MND) research by circumnavigating around Tasmania …………………………………..

UFUA National Accounts for 2015-2016

In accordance with the Rules and the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009, the UFUA National Committee of Management has considered and endorsed the financial statements and Auditor’s report for the year ending June 2016. The financial statements have been published on the UFUA national website


The extensive and relentless partisan political campaign to demonise career firefighters and UFU members through lies and misinformation in Victoria did not pay off for the Liberals. A national survey of votes shows that the trumped up CFA dispute did not affect the outcome of the Federal Election. UFU members proudly and successfully battled the …


The UFUA National Office was able to secure the insertions (outlined below) into the ALP Policy Platform at the ALP National Conference in July 2015. The National Office has also had discussions with the Leader of the Opposition who is understanding and supportive of the issues surrounding the preservation age for firefighters. This is a significant achievement …


The UFUA has been approached by a documentary film crew who are raising funds to film a documentary about the complete lack of any professional or funded ambulance service in Laos.  Laos has one of the highest road accidents rates in the world yet does not have any official ambulance service. We have been directly approached …

National Bulletin #2 – Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry Into Fiskville Training Ground

The Victorian Government has established an inquiry into the CFA Fiskville Training Ground and has called for submissions.  The UFU is asking all members who have trained or worked at Fiskville to fill in the below form for the UFUA to submit to the Inquiry. All UFU Members who believe they may have been exposed …

National Bulletin No. 16 – WA Presumptive Legislation

The United Firefighters Union of Australia is again at the forefront of progressive change with two key achievements this week. Yesterday about 90 firefighters and Western Australian Branch representatives were in Parliament to witness the introduction of the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Amendment Bill 2013. Despite short notice, the firefighters were on hand to …

Rule Alteration

The rule alterations as specified in National Bulletin #12 have now been lodged by a Notice of Alteration with the Fair Work Commission.

National Bulletin #12: Required Rule Changes

The Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 was amended in 2012 to require organisations to amend their rules by 29 June 2013 to include new disclosure and officer training requirements. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) developed model rules resulting from a consultation process including involvement by the ACTU. Read more (or …

National Bulletin Number 10

Fair Protection For Firefighters Bill Referred to Victorian Parliamentary Committee For Constitutional Enquiry: download the bulletin by clicking here (or right-click/Cmd-click to save to your computer: PDF download).

Rule Alteration

The rule alterations as specified in National Bulletin #12 have now been lodged by a Notice of Alteration with the Fair Work Commission.

National Bulletin # 5 National Elections

Members are advised that today the National Elections of the National Officers of the National President and National Secretary have been declared: SA Branch Secretary Greg Northcott has been elected as National President unopposed. National Secretary Peter Marshall has been re-elected unopposed. Click to read the bulletin (or right-click/Cmd-click to save to your computer: PDF …

National Bulletin Rule Changes

The United Firefighters Union of Australia (UFUA) National Committee of Management has adopted changes to the UFUA rules on 8 January 2013. In accordance with rule 49(4) of the UFUA Rules, the National Secretary publicises the rule changes adopted by the National Committee of Management: click here (or right-click/Cmd-click to save to your computer: PDF …

CFA ordered to vary schedule

In Victoria, a Fair Work Australia decision is a significant milestone in the battle against the CFA’s continued reneging on agreements and attack on the CFA UFU Operational Staff Agreement. The week’s news August  24, 2012 Links to selected firefighter workplace, industrial, technology and OHS news stories. Australia Vic: CFA ordered to vary staffing schedule Fair …

This week’s news: August 17 2012

Links to selected firefighter workplace, industrial, technology and OHS news stories. Australia Qld: Union flags fears of station closures The UFU is worried that fire stations will be closed due to state bovernment budget cuts. Qld emergency workers launch campaign. ACT: We will protect you Response times are critical to saving lives, but apparently firefighters must leave our response areas …

This week’s news: August 10 2012

Australia National: UFUA status as the federal union for firefighters preserved Federal regulations have now been passed which match a number of state based firefighter unions with the UFUA as the federal counterpart. This enshrines the UFUA as the organisation that will represent the interests of firefighters in the federal industrial arena. Litigation has now been withdrawn. …

This week’s news: August 3 2012

Australia NSW: Firefighters head to IRC The Union is due to meet with NSW Emergency Services Minister Michael Gallacher in a last ditch effort to avoid a dispute about overtime blowouts heading back to the industrial umpire. NSW firefighters to head to Commission. Vic: Victorian towns still at risk of bushfire Dozens of communities at high risk of …

This week’s news: July 27th

Australia Vic: Firefighters unite over cancer risk laws The UFUA, former CFA chief Brian Potter (who is seriously ill after years of service at the authority’s Fiskville training ground) and Volunteers Fire Brigades Victoria have written to all state MPs and are seeking a meeting with Emergency Services Minister Peter Ryan. Firefighters call for cancer compensation. …

National Bulletin: Protection for Firefighters

The CFA investigation into the historic practices of live fire training at Fiskville condemns previous practice and confirms that firefighters were subject to horrendous exposures of carcinogens and toxins over a long period of time. Click here to read the bulletin (or right-click/Cmd-click to save to your computer: PDF download).

This week’s news: Toxic soup swim

Australia Vic: CFA recruits had to swim through contaminated dams United Firefighters Union secretary Peter Marshall said it demonstrated the CFA did not want to be subjected to public scrutiny and “it has been shown they gave false assurances to the public and employees about the quality of the water”. Vic: Fiskville gag claims The Union says …

This week’s news: July 6

Australia Vic: CFA knew of potentially deadly water contamination The CFA was aware of the potential hazard at its main training college for at least 12 years but did nothing to warn firefighters. Fiskville water: MFB firefighters defer water-based parts of their training course at Fiskville as CFA claim training site water is acceptable. Highly-toxic CFA training ground Fiskville should …