COODE ISLAND Fire, Melbourne, 1991
Click here to view the latest article from your UFUAV
Click here to view the latest article from your UFUAV
Here is the declaration of the results of the 2018 elections for the UFUA Aviation Branch. Congratulations to all newly elected office bearers.
Download your copy of our latest FLASHPOINT here.
The triennial elections for the Aviation Branch are due with nominations for office opening today. Go to the link below to read the election notice and access the nomination that has to be completed if you are interested in nominating for one of the offices detailed in the election notice.
Here is the early March 2018 edition of our newsletter FLASHPOINT
We have recently changed the name of our newsletter to FLASHPOINT. We hope you enjoyt this the Early June Edition. Download it here.
This is the latest EA update. As noted in the update, your Union and Airservices are set to resume negotiations on 5th and 6th July. Further updates will be issued after those meetings.
In this edition: From the Branch Secretary; Airservices Hits the Headlines Grenfell Tower How are the Numbers Stacking Up? Six Years On (Have They Really Learnt Anything?) The Tragic Legacy of an ARFF Firie (The Human Face) What is the Firefighter cancer Problem? Who wants to keep working until 70? Naming Competition 3rd June 2017 …
Here is EA Newsletter Number 5
This is the latest edition of our Bumper Monitor. Featured articles are: Update on EA negotiations from Branch Secretary The Black Dog Mental Health Took Kit Women Fire Fighters LODD and CABA Operations ARFFS’ Shameful Legacy – The Human Face Poll Results Two Way Communications Lessons Learned Number 10
Enterprise Bargaining Update Number 4. Click here to download
Welcome to the next edition of The Bumper Monitor. As our newsletters are quite lengthy we are trying something different with this edition. Instead of downloading the whole newsletter you can now click on each item heading which is a link to that item only. You can read the item you want to at the …
EA Newsletter Number 2.
This is the first issue in our special Enterprise Bargaining Negotiations 2017 newsletters. These newsletters deal exclusively with the progress of negotiations for a new Enterprise Agreement to replace the current 2013-2017 Agreement due to expire on 22nd May 2017. Read the first issue here.
In this edition: FROM THE SECRETARY 2017 is going to be a busy and challenging year for us all. There is “Strength In Unity” and it will be important for us all and to our success that we maintain our Unity and discipline throughout this year ………………………… F3 Foam Can F3 agents take the …
Read more “The Bumper Monitor – Volume 2 Number 1 January 2017”
Members would be aware that following the resignation of SE Qld BCOM Delegate Karl McDonald it is necessary to conduct an election to fill this casual vacancy. The AEC have provided information for the conduct of the election and the following are the links to the information you will need for the election. Note that …
THE UFUA AVIATION BRANCH NEWSLETTER In this edition: FROM THE SECRETARY ufu lessons learned number 4 SAY AND DO [NEW SECTION IN OUR NEWSLETTER] Core Temperature the benchmark for Managing Heat Stress on the Fire Ground SUBSCRIPTIONS INCREASE FROM 16TH DECEMBER 2016. Salary sacrificing super EA Survey …
In this edition: FROM THE SECRETARY Your Union has been invited to make a submission to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee and will be doing so. The Committee is interested in hearing about ufu lessons learned number 3 Category 9 aircraft in Australia may be covered by 2+6 crewing …
In this edition: FROM THE Secretary UFU: Firefighter Contamination Report There has been a lot of concern by our UFU members over the possible health effects from their exposure to harmful chemicals for over 30 years ……………….. the UFU ARFFS Contamination Report WHAT IS A TASK RESOURCE ANALYSIS [TRA] AND WHY IS IT …
THE UFUA AVIATION BRANCH NEWSLETTER In this edition: ADDING PERSONAL TRAVEL TO BUSINESS TRAVEL The current EA provides at clause 4.9.1 (a) that: “Domestic air travel will be economy class within Australia where the difference between published departure and arrival time is no greater than three (3) hours and business class …………………….. LESSONS LEARNED …
In this issue: EA2017 Communications ARFF Health and Safety Committee PFCs—chemicals of concern Divisional Consultative Committee (DCC) Linked to in the newsletter, Summary of the DCC Meeting.
Your current Enterprise Agreement is due to expire in May 2017 however negotiations for a new replacement Agreement will commence in December/January. As part of our preparations for negotiating a new Agreement we want to know what are the most important issues for you. Knowing this will assist us with the formulation of your Union’s …
Here is the latest edition of our BUMPER MONITOR keeping members up to date and informed on current affairs relating to your work and other matters of significance.
Welcome to the latest edition of the BUMPER MONITOR. Inside this edition is some very interesting and informative information as well as copies of some important correspondence sent to CASA and Comcare. The full list of topics in this edition is: ARFFS PROTECTING AUSTRALIA’S AIRPORTS KNOW YOUR RIGHTS ARFF CONTAMINATION ISSUES THE SIZE UP ADVERTISING …
Latest edition of the BUMPER MONITOR. In this edition: In this edition: From the Branch Secretary Meet Von Vehicles and Equipment Portfolio Letter to Minister WHS – ARFF Health and Safety Committee
Please take the time to click on the link below and read Christine’s story. Christine is the daughter of our Brother firie Steve Lamb.
Recently your Union was asked to provide a response to Airservices/ARFF on the Function and Performance Specification for a proposed Internal Access Vehcile [IAV]. The CONOPS for an IAV was also provided to assist with our response. A comprehensive response was submitted by your Union with key concerns relating to the following aspects being detailed. …
Read more “UFU Aviation Branch Submission Performance and Functional Specification IAV”
What’s in the latest edition of the Bumper Monitor? From the Branch Secretary Federal Court Matters FIFO travel costs for arbitration on Fair Work Commission Chief Fire Officer invited to June Branch Executive Meeting IAV – Airstairs Establishment of national ARFF health and safety committee UFU voice on Airservices National Health and Safety Committee Update …
Last Wednesday 15th June the Aviation Branch launched its “3 Minutes To Live” campaign aimed at stopping proposals to withdraw Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting from some Regional airports and capping the expansion of Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting services [ARFFS] in Australia for at least 10 years to come. Proposals contained in a public …
Next Salary Increase under 2013-2017 EA [1.965%] due from 30th May 2016. All salary-related allowances, excluding allowances adjusted by the Australian Tax Office will be adjusted by 3.93% to reflect the salary increases for the last year of the EA [May 2016-May 2017]