Support Services

As Members are aware, the nature of our industry is one that generates inherent
stress and anxiety which may result in depression or other illness.

It is often not spoken about, but it is common for firefighters to experience these
types of mental health trauma as a result of their service.

Therefore, it is vitally important for all of us to recognise that we are susceptible to
experiencing any one of the above as a result of the nature of our work.

UFUA Aviation Branch Welfare Officer: Les Daly 0419 321 645

Airservices Employee Assistance Program (AEP) provided by Converge can be
accessed via the link below.


Airservices AEP is free and can be accessed 24/7 by members and their families.
if you feel uncomfortable using the Airservices EAP there are a number of external
support resources available via the link below.


If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Gail during
office hours on 0428 553 859 or Wes Garrett on 0459 945 288.