In Victoria, a Fair Work Australia decision is a significant milestone in the battle against the CFA’s continued reneging on agreements and attack on the CFA UFU Operational Staff Agreement.
The week's news August 24, 2012
Links to selected firefighter workplace, industrial, technology and OHS news stories.
Vic: CFA ordered to vary staffing schedule
Fair Work Australia decision is a significant milestone in the battle against the CFA’s continued reneging on agreements and attack on the CFA UFU Operational Staff Agreement.
Qld: Emergency workers challenge deputy premier
Angry emergency service workers have invited Queensland's deputy premier to ride with them for a night after he dismissed their protests as pointless.
Protests futile, Qld govt tells workers.
Firefighters protest outside Queensland's parliament.
Firefighters, paramedics fight changes.
Hundreds of fired-up workers march on parliament.
Vic: Firefighters to grill DP Ryan
The Nationals leader is under intense pressure to back the new law that would give 60,000 firefighters across country Victoria access to compensation if they contract cancers commonly linked to their work.
Qld: Bill increases jail time for Queensland murderers
Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk said the LNP legislation failed to cover front-line workers, including ambulance paramedics, firefighters, nurses and prison officers, ''who also risk losing their life in the performance of their duty”.
Vic: Interstate training for CFA disgraceful
"It would be offensive to everyone in Victoria, particularly those living in bushfire-prone areas, knowing that our firefighters are having to be trained by NSW TAFE institutions because of this Government's cuts to TAFE."
CFA firefighter training forced interstate due to TAFE cuts.
WA: Thousands told homes indefensible
The Department of Environment and Conservation confirmed parts of the state were so dangerous a "direct attack" by firefighters would be impossible, as it admitted meeting only half of its prescribed burning target in Perth and the South-West.
Vic: Insurers prepare for fire services levy shake-up
Long delayed details of a levy shake-up by the Baillieu government are expected to be released. The local government association has slammed the government for a lack of consultation.
USA: Safety questioned in fire that killed firefighter
A member of an elite federal firefighting team says safety concerns kept the group from engaging a northern Idaho wildfire one day before a 20-year-old firefighter was killed.
Idaho firefighter died in area deemed too dangerous by earlier crew.
NZ: Pay review working party
The Working Party also advanced the detail of the necessary activities of position descriptions, both present and historical, that will allow effective and accurate job evaluation.
India: Kochi fire and rescue force facing staff shortage
In the commercial capital of the south west state of Kerala, the Minister's statement comes as a big relief to the fire department, where 200 of 324 firefighter positions across 13 fire stations have been vacant for sometime now.
USA: Training exercise sheds light on perils of firefighting
The Michigan Professional Firefighters Union says the bargaining tactic gives them a seat at the table with city leaders who are making decisions that affect their safety.
UK: Pay talks
Discussions at Joint Secretary level have made some progress on this issue and the Executive Council was able to discuss mechanisms by which such consultation might take place.