WA: The UFUA 2012 WA Presumptive Legislation Campaign
WA firefighters call for cancer compensation.
The United Firefighters Union of Australia is calling on the WA government to support a private members bill which would make a special provision in the Workers' Compensation Act for firefighters who contract cancer linked to their employment. The private members bill will be introduced into parliament by shadow emergency services minister Margaret Quirk.
The Western Australia Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management (Fair Protection for Firefighters) Amendment Bill 2012.
Ms Margaret Quirk's speech while presenting the Billto parliament.
WA frefighters rally for compo over cancer.
WA frefighters rally for workers comp changes.
Vic: Fireman Sam steps up in climbing contest
Germany's Joachim Posanz (right) lost the race to Australia's Sam Bach.
NZ: Firefighters Union calls for South Island commander to go
The Professional Firefighters Union in the South Island is calling for the Service's Regional Commander to go, saying his relationship with staff is beyond repair.
UK: Fire Brigades Union welcomes additional central Government cash for control centres
But raises concerns over mergers, staff cuts and north west regional control centre.
US Philadelphia Firefighters' Union campaigns against City's station closure policy
Local 22 of the Firefighters Union launches a campaign against Mayor Nutter's policy of temporary rolling closures of fire stations. The closures are known as 'brownouts' and the Union says the closures endanger public safety.
UK: The Fire Brigades Union supports the Energy Bill Revolution,
This new campaign calls on the government to use the money it gets from carbon tax revenue to make UK homes super-energy efficient. One in four households can’t afford to heat their homes. Cold homes are damaging the health of our most vulnerable citizens. The fair and permanent solution is to use carbon taxes to warm homes and reduce fuel bills.
USA: Huntington fires burn longer with reduced fire department staffing
The reduced staffing availability levels have not cost lives yet, but the Vice President of Huntington Professional Firefighters Local 289, Shane Masters, asserts they are likely to have made some fires a longer burn.
USA: San Francisco firefighters cling to wooden ladders
Only two dozen or so fire departments in the US still swear by wooden ladders. Most are in California ... the department relies on three men who make and repair ladders dating to 1918, saying they are safer and more durable than metal.