UFUA All Member Alert: act now to support the Firefighter Protection Bill

UFUA All Member Alert: act now to support the Firefighter Protection Bill

The legislation has been presented to Federal Parliament, the Senate has completed its inquiry and now the Fair Protection For Firefighters Bill (Occupational Cancer For Firefighters) is making its way through the House of Representatives and the Senate.

With only about two weeks to go before the final vote, we urge every UFU Member and firefighter supporter to go to the new UFUAFirefighter Protection Bill campaign website, register support for the bill and contact your local MP.

Time is tight, so act now! Here's what you can do:

  • log on to the Protect Your Firefighters campaign website and register your support for the legislation that will ensure firefighters can access medical assistance and compensation for occupational cancer,
  • on the website, follow the prompts to send a messsage to your local MPs and your state Senators, urging them to support the Bill; it's a straightforward process, with suggested text and will only take a minute,
  • add your message to the campaign's Facebook page and Twitter your support, and
  • encourage your family and friends to also join the campaign; send a message of support to their local MP via the campaign website, as well as Facebook and Twitter.

With only about two weeks to go before the final vote, we urge every UFU Member and firefighter supporter to act quickly.

Read the full UFUA National Bulletin.

The UFUA has launched a national campaign which includes a new dedicated campaign website for presumptive legislation of occupational cancer for firefighters. Each and every member is asked to link intohttp://www.protectyourfirefighters.com to register their support for the Fair Protection for Firefighters Bill, which will ensure firefighters can access medical assistance and compensation for occupational cancer.

All members are asked to click onto either the please help or the click here to contact your member of parliament button to send a letter to their federal members of parliament asking for their support by voting for the Bill. It is quick and easy.

You just need to key in your postcode and every federal politician for that electorate will be sent a copy of the letter.  The letter has been prepared and the link sends it by email.  The letter can also be personalised.

The website also incorporates social media links such as Facebook and Twitter so members can link in family and friends encouraging them to also send a letter to their federal politician.

The website is a one-stop shop for all relevant information on the Bill including the recently concluded Senate inquiry.  There are links to the submissions to the Senate, and video footage of Senator’s support for the Bill when the inquiry report was tabled in the Senate on the 15th September 2011.  There are also links to speeches by Members of Parliament in the House of Representatives when the Bill was first introduced on 4 July 2011 and for its second reading on the 19th September 2011.

The Bill is expected to be voted by Members of Parliament in a few weeks.  It is crucial that every federal politician understands the importance of the Bill to firefighters and supports it.

Every firefighter/member can now actively support the Bill by visiting the website and by sending the prepared letter to their federal politician.

Please disseminate widely. read out at muster and put on notice boards
Authorised by Peter Marshall, UFUA National Secretary

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