This week’s news: WA Bushire report slams prescribed burns management

WA: Bushfire report slams prescribed burns management.

An inquiry into the Margaret River bushfire has recommended an urgent review of the Department. The report was scathing of the DEC's role in the fiasco - from its handling of the prescribed burn that started the bushfire, to its delayed and confused emergency response.

WA bushfire and response botched - inquiry.
DEC failed to assess burn risk: Keelty.
Download the report.

Auswide: Nation's hoarders top a million
Australia has more than a million hoarders a new study has found. "There are real risks of fire hazard ..."

USA: IAFF scores major victory on broadband spectrum
A national communications network dedicated to public safety took a giant step forward today as President Obama signed a bill that transfers 10 megahertz of broadband spectrum to be used solely by first responders in emergencies.

UK: Cuts to fire alarm responses
Then fire authority councillors vote themselves a 25 per cent increase in their allowances. Meanwhile, fire crews face third year of a pay freeze.

NZ: Christchurch slow to rebuild quake-hit downtown
More than 10,000 New Zealanders stood in silence, some in tears, at a Christchurch park while police officers and firefighters read out the names of all 185 people who died.

USA: Virginia firefighters question cancer rate
More than 40 Portsmouth firefighters have died of cancer in recent decades -- most after retiring from the department.

Canada: Where are the new volunteer firefighters?
The number of volunteer firefighters in Sooke has dropped to levels not seen in more than 30 years as the department struggles to find recruits in one of the fastest-growing communities in Greater Victoria.

USA: Wyoming firefighters stop anti-collective bargaining bill
The quick action of the Federated Fire Fighters of Wyoming (FFFWY) stopped an anti-collective bargaining bill – State HB 58 – before it moved through the legislature. The State House voted 42-18 to refuse to introduce the bill, which would have made collective bargaining illegal in Wyoming.

UK: Outstanding pension issues
Although the Heads of Agreement details all the main parameters of the proposed scheme the major problems are still the contribution increases and the normal pension age.

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