Vic: Fatal flaws in ‘stay or go’ strategy

Vic: Fatal flaws in 'stay or go' strategy .

Australia's revered 'stay or go' bushfire policy failed catastophically during Victoria's 2009 Black Saturday inferno, reflecting the state's inability to manage such extreme events, according to a new analysis of evidence from the royal commission into the tragedy.

Auswide: Australian firefighters’ health study
This Monash University study is funded by the Australasian Fire & Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC). It's a retrospective study to investigate firefighter deaths from cancer, cardiovascular disease, non-malignant respiratory diseases and traumatic injury.

Qld: UFU Queensland Firefighter Journal - Summer 2011/2012
Catch up on the latest Qld Branch news: member reinstated, EB, Presumptive Legislation, Health and Safety, Firefighters National Day of Remembrance, Ipswich Railway Workshops Fire, September 11 Rugby League Game and more.

WA: Mistakes caused fire but no heads will roll- Premier
Mistakes were made during the prescribed burn that led to the Margaret River bushfire last November but no one will be sacked.

NZ: Rehabilitation/Alternative/ Light Duties
The Union is not interested in game playing or face saving or whatever else management want to do, so the Union has amended the Strike Notice to provide that nothing in the Strike Notices will apply to members on Rehabilitation/Alternative/Light Duties arising out of accident or sickness.

USA: Presidential budget generous to firefighters
President Obama has proposed nearly $3 billion for first responders in his budget for Fiscal Year 2013.

USA: IAFF fights bad pension bill that will hurt federal firefighters
The misnamed Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act of 2012 will devastate the retirement benefits of federal employees while also forcing them to pay more for those reduced benefits. The Union states it case to the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Darrell Issa (R-CA), blasting the legislation.

UK: Pension’s heads of agreement unacceptable
The FBU says the UK government pension proposals are simply not good enough.

USA: Architect charged over LA firefighter death
The architect who designed and oversaw construction of the Hollywood Hills mansion where a Los Angeles firefighter died has been charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter.

UK: Union pledges campaign to save Cumbria’s only 999 fire control
Cumbria Fire Brigades Union say their campaign to save Cumbria’s only 999 fire control centre will go to Westminster after the County Council refused to budge at a full council meeting

USA: Firefighters punished for getting injured
“It's about safety.” The Union is in the process of filing grievances for the disciplined firefighters.

USA: Firetruck monitors unnerve firefighters
Think of it as a black box for firetrucks: the devices track everything from braking speed to whether passengers are buckled in. If a driver violates the pre-set driving parameters, an alarm erupts in the cab and grows progressively louder until the activity ceases.

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