Tas: Report warns of potential fire crisis
Tasmania's dismal record in fire protection is under further threat from budget cuts, according to a report presented to the Tasmania Fire Service. The State Government intends cutting $1 million a year from its funding of the Tasmania Fire Service. It also plans to reduce the legislated indexation of the Fire Service Contribution Levy from 5% to 3%.
Tas: A fire safe community report
The UFU Tasmania Branch's report opposing the proposed closure of TasFire Training and the impact that planned budget cuts will have on the ability of the TFS to provide a fire safe community. Read the full report.
Fury over fire budget cut.
WA: Arson fears for fuel database
The creation of a public fuel load database revealing WA's most bushfire-prone areas, a key recommendation of the Keelty report, is in doubt because authorities fear it will become a roadmap for arsonists.
NZ: Fire Service attempts to shift blame for abhorrent treatment of staff
This is exactly the reason that there has been no resolution to the current industrial action and no settlement of the CEA. The Fire Service simply puts everything they can in the way of achieving a settlement.
USA: Firefighters battle North Pole fire
The mercury read 60 below: “Equipment freezes, pump freeze, people freeze.”