Financial Reports for 2014-2015 Now Available

Your Union’s financial reports for the 2014-2015 year are now available on our website. Go to “Your Union” and click on “Financials”. As this a ‘members only’ area on our website, if this is the first time you are accessing the financial statements you will be prompted to set up your own account before being …

The Facts Behind The Myths

Despite the myth perpetrated in “Mythbusters” in the August 21 edition of The Monitor, your Union has put considerable effort into resolving these issues with ASA/ARFF without having to seek the assistance of an outside tribunal. Considerable correspondence has been exchanged between the parties and the matters have been raised at consultative council meetings and …

Work Performance Framework Review

On the 18th May 2015 your Union received a letter from Airservices inviting our participation on the Internal Reference Group formed for the review of the Work Performance Framework. The Branch Secretary was the nominated representative. Your Union mistakenly believed this signaled the commencement of the review. The reality was something entirely different……….

Branch Newsletter

The Aviation Branch triennial elections conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission [AEC] concluded on 8th of May. Not all vacant positions were filled so it is necessary to


As all vacant offices were not filled in the recently concluded elections it has been necessary to conduct further elections. The Fair Work Commission has approved the Union’s application for the conduct of the election and requested the Australian Election to conduct the election for the relevant vacancies.   Find out more here.

Summary of DCC Meeting 12th March 2015

The Divisional Consultative Committee established under the Airservices [ARFF] Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017 met on 12th March. Your Union is represented at these meetings by members of the Branch Executive and our WHS Coordinator. UFU Agenda items Exposure Management Working Group. Clause 7.7.13 in EA and medical testing Use of private vehicles to transport PPE from …

Michael Farrell joins Trustee Board

Michael Farrell joins Trustee Board. From 1 March 2015, Michael Farrell will join us as a member nominated Director. The AvSuper Trustee Board consists of eight Directors, equally representing AvSuper members and employers. With 31 years’ experience as an ARFF fire fighter, Michael will ably assist the Fund to serve our fire fighting members’ needs. Michael …


The UFUA has been approached by a documentary film crew who are raising funds to film a documentary about the complete lack of any professional or funded ambulance service in Laos.  Laos has one of the highest road accidents rates in the world yet does not have any official ambulance service. We have been directly approached …

National Bulletin #2 – Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry Into Fiskville Training Ground

The Victorian Government has established an inquiry into the CFA Fiskville Training Ground and has called for submissions.  The UFU is asking all members who have trained or worked at Fiskville to fill in the below form for the UFUA to submit to the Inquiry. All UFU Members who believe they may have been exposed …

FMS – Your Union’s Position Remains Unchanged.

BCOM maintains its non-participation stance on FMS. As we said in our last article: Unfortunately Airservices/ARFF have still not properly engaged in consultation with your Union on FMS [Functional Movement Screening] addressing legitimate concerns about privacy of information/data that will be gathered on you as part of the process. Unfortunately our proposal for FMS to …

Functional Movement Screening

Unfortunately Airservices/ARFF have still not properly engaged in consultation with your Union on FMS [Functional Movement Screening] addressing legitimate concerns about privacy of information/data that will be gathered on you as part of the process. Unfortunately our proposal for FMS to be introduced on a negotiated agreed basis has also been ignored. Accordingly, your Branch …

September 2014 Newsletter

To download September-October 2014 Newsletter click here. Vale Brynt McSwain Industrial Roundup Divisional Consultative Council [DCC] Meets 21st October UFUA Aviation Branch – WHS Update October 2014 Comcare Issues New Website Union Shopper Legal Wrap Up from Mona Emera – Principal Lawyer Slater and Gordon Lawyers

August 2014 Newsletter

Download August 2014 Newsletter by clicking here.   Inside this edition   Current Issues As reported in last month’s newsletter your Union is working to resolve a number of issues related to the interpretation and application of various clauses in the EA covering your conditions of employment … read more page 2 Workplace bullying? Workplace …

July 2014 Newsletter

Download the July Newsletter by clicking here. Inside this issue: What can ARFF do to reduce your workplace exposure Items of interest Presumptive Legislation: You don’t have to be at work for a claim to be accepted 10 things you should know about AvSuper       

UFU Aviation branch logo

UFU Aviation Branch Newsletter: June 2014

Download the June 2014 newsletter by clicking here (or right-click/Cmd-click to save to your computer: PDF download). Gloves Your subs tax deduction WHS Items of interest What are your rights if you develop skin cancer from your job? Slater and Gordon proud Partner with Aviation Branch Organiser Vacancies Your Union Benefits Update Super News BCOM …

UFU Aviation branch logo

UFU Aviation Branch Newsletter: May 2014

Click to download the May 2014 newsletter (or right-click/Cmd-click to save to your computer: PDF download). Subs increase 20th June DCC and NCC meetings Vehicles/Equipment Portfolio WHS Portfolio WHS Items of Interest IR Issues IR Items of Interest Super News ACTU Member Connect