August 2014 Newsletter

Download August 2014 Newsletter by clicking here.


Inside this edition


Current Issues

As reported in last month’s newsletter your Union is working to resolve a number of issues related to the interpretation and application of various clauses in the EA covering your conditions of employment ... read more page 2

Workplace bullying?

Workplace bullying is a topical issue and in this edition of our newsletter our WHS Coordinator, Wes Garrett has written an article outlining just what is and what isn’t workplace bullying, identifying bullying in the workplace and responding to it ... read more page 3

CFBT ... read more page 6

Firetek Glove ... read more page 7

Does the federal government decision to defer increases in the Superannuation Guarantee Levy affect me?

In 2012 the federal Labor government legislated increases in the superannuation guarantee levy [SGL]. Your Union successfully negotiated for these increases to be included in your enterprise agreement. Does the decision by the current federal government to defer further increases in the SGL until July 2021 affect the increases under our EA? … read more page 7

Important Comcare Decision Re Benefits and Superannuation

The Federal Court of Australia has recently handed down a decision which will be a sigh of relief for injured workers over 55 years of age who are receiving time-off work payments ... read more page 7

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