Tas: Firies cancer legislation battle.
United Firefighters Union National Secretary Peter Marshall said he hoped Tasmania would become the first Australian state to recognise, via legislation, the unique dangers firefighters face.
Tas: Minister in presumptive move
Read the latest National Bulletin from the UFUA.
Tas: Moves to extinguish fire threat
Tasmanian could be on the verge of becoming the first state in Australia to introduce special laws to better protect fire fighters at risk of contracting deadly cancers.
Tas: Call for firefighter cancer legislation
Canadian campaigner Alex Forrest met the Emergency Management Minister David O'Byrne yesterday.
Listen to the Alex Forrest speaking to ABC Radio in Hobart.
Qld: Premier promises $35m for volunteer emergency services.
Ms Bligh says the money announced today will provide new premises, equipment and training for the State Emergency Service (SES) and Rural Fire Service.
Auswide: UFUA Shift Calendar/Organiser app
The UFUA and Pro-Calendar have teamed together to announce the release of the Pro-Calendar UFUA Shift Calendar/Organiser App. It's the most advanced app for scheduling and tracking critical job-related information currently available for Australian Fire Fighters; it's available now from the ITunes store.
Auswide: Firefighters, police to be future developers
Firefighters and police officers will be the emergency app developers of tomorrow, according to Motorola's chief technology officer Paul Steinberg ... As commercial success of smartphone devices took off, the company has produced a number of Windows Mobile devices designed specifically for use by emergency services.
NZ: Firefighters set to intensify action
Firefighters are set to ramp up strike action as their dispute with the New Zealand Fire Service over rostering changes continues. A strike on some non-emergency work began eight months ago as a response to changes that would give firefighters eight days' notice of rosters and potential 24-hour shifts.
UK: Wiltshire fire crews condemn cuts proposals
They are deeply concerned about the impact of £1.8 million of cuts on the local fire service, which would do irreparable damage. The cuts have been put out to public consultation before being considered by the fire authority.
NZ: Port workers rally pics
Firefighters from Auckland, Hamilton and Christchurch Locals who are fed up with their own lengthy negotiations turned out to show their support and solidarity for port workers. View images from the rally.
Canada: Volunteer shortage
Small fire departments are finding it more difficult to find recruits to fill positions.
USA: Californian firefighters tain Mexico's firefighters
A different country, older equipment and language barriers, but still that could not weaken the camaraderie felt by members of the Vacaville Fire Protection District during a recent trip to Mexico to provide training for firefighters south of the border.
Japan: Earthquake and tsunami anniversary
We must not forget that this included many people, including fire fighters, who lost their lives as they devoted themselves to relief operations and disaster control without regard for their own safety.
The firefighters who risked their lives to stop nuclear meltdown at Fukushima.
Canada: Montreal ambulances to rumble
The Rumbler, the product name of a leading siren supplier, emits low-frequency vibrations that can literally rattle motorists’ cars.