EA Negotiations 24

Current Log of Claims

EA Update 15/2024

How to understand the new enterprise agreement

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Enterprise agreement documents

A copy of the proposed enterprise agreement and other documents for members’ consideration ahead of the vote commencing 30/5/24. Full …

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EA Update 14/2024

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EA Update 13/2024

Details of the in-principle agreement reached with Airservices

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EA UPDATE 012/2024

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EA Update 011/2024

The pace of talks has finally picked up.

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EA Update 010/2024

Little progress made as talks resume with Airservices.

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Protected Industrial Action Update 005/2024

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Protected Industrial Action Update 004/2024

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Protected Industrial Action Update 003/2024

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Protected Industrial Action Update 001/2024

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Protected industrial action ballot results

Read the overwhelming results in favour of taking industrial action.

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EA update 009/2024

Parties to the dispute were called to the Fair Work Commission, where Airservices tried familiar stalling tactics.

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