G’day Tommy, Airservices employees are not employed under the Public Service Act 1999. However, Airservices is a Commonwealth Corporate Entity listed under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. Regarding access to “Job Keeper” payments last year, you would not have been eligible if you were stood down due to our close proximity to Government. As you would be aware the Government has provided Airservices with considerable financial support/grants to offset the break down in their cost recovery model due to Covid’s impact on the aviation industry. Our proximity to Government has enabled this.
Do we classify as “public service workers” it was
My understanding that we didn’t qualify when there was possible stand downs?
G’day Tommy, Airservices employees are not employed under the Public Service Act 1999. However, Airservices is a Commonwealth Corporate Entity listed under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. Regarding access to “Job Keeper” payments last year, you would not have been eligible if you were stood down due to our close proximity to Government. As you would be aware the Government has provided Airservices with considerable financial support/grants to offset the break down in their cost recovery model due to Covid’s impact on the aviation industry. Our proximity to Government has enabled this.
No give at all from ASA. That’s unusual.