The extensive and relentless partisan political campaign to demonise career firefighters and UFU members through lies and misinformation in Victoria did not pay off for the Liberals. A national survey of votes shows that the trumped up CFA dispute did not affect the outcome of the Federal Election. UFU members proudly and successfully battled the …

UFU Aviation Branch Submission Performance and Functional Specification IAV

Recently your Union was asked to provide a response to Airservices/ARFF on the Function and Performance Specification for a proposed Internal Access Vehcile [IAV]. The CONOPS for an IAV was also provided to assist with our response. A comprehensive response was submitted by your Union with key concerns relating to the following aspects being detailed. …

Bumper Monitor Volume 1 Number 3

What’s in the latest edition of the Bumper Monitor? From the Branch Secretary Federal Court Matters FIFO travel costs for arbitration on Fair Work Commission Chief Fire Officer invited to June Branch Executive Meeting IAV – Airstairs Establishment of national ARFF health and safety committee UFU voice on Airservices National Health and Safety Committee Update …

3 Minutes To Live Campaign Launched – Government and all Federal Members should oppose DIRD ARFFS Regulatory Review Proposals

Last Wednesday 15th June the Aviation Branch launched its “3 Minutes To Live” campaign aimed at stopping proposals to withdraw Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting from some Regional airports and capping the expansion of Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting services [ARFFS] in Australia for at least 10 years to come. Proposals contained in a public …

Bumper Monitor Number 2

In this edition: Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development [DIRD] Regulatory Policy Review Update on Federal Court Matters Meeting between Branch Executive and ARFF Senior Management National Consultative Council Meeting 21st April Divisional Consultative Council Meeting 21st April FOI Requests Award Modernisation – Modern Enterprise Award for Airservices Termination of Perth Member Consultation and the …

Aviation Branch Response to ARFFS Regulatory Policy Review Public Consultation Paper

The DIRD released a public consultation paper in December 2015 titled, Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting Service Regulatory Policy Review. Your Union has submitted a response to the paper. Our response is in two parts- Aviation Branch Submission; and An independent report commissioned by the National Office of our Union titled, “Prioritising safety in the allocation …

Newsletter 23rd December 2015

PPC Procurement Project Aviation Branch and AS/ARFF met in Canberra on Monday 14th December for further discussions on this project. Central to the discussions was the consultation process and your Union’s involvement …………………. ARFFS Regulatory Policy Review On Monday this week [21st December] your Union received the following email advice from the Department of Infrastructure …


The UFUA National Office was able to secure the insertions (outlined below) into the ALP Policy Platform at the ALP National Conference in July 2015. The National Office has also had discussions with the Leader of the Opposition who is understanding and supportive of the issues surrounding the preservation age for firefighters. This is a significant achievement …

Newsletter 10th December 2015

AIRSERVICES AND UFU REPRESENTATIVES TO MEET IN CANBERRA FOR FURTHER CONSULTATION ON NEW PPE UFU and AS/ARFF representatives will meeting in Canberra on Monday 14th for further consultation and discussion on the procurement of new PPE. AS/ARFF initially indicated that they might not agree to your Union’s “requested” list of attendees but finally accepted that …

Your Union’s Response To ARFF’s Functional Requirement Specification For New PPE

PPE Requirements – DRAFT – UFUA Comments – To access this document with full functionality firstly right click on the link then click on “Save Link As”. Save the document as an “Adobe Acrobat Document” to a location on your computer. Open document from your computer with “Adobe Acrobat XI”. If you don’t have Abobe Acrobat XI …


ARFF are undertaking a project for the procurement of new PPC [Personal Protective Clothing]. Your Union is concerned with a number of the aspects of the ARFF functional requirements specification document which is the basis on which potential tenderers will bid for the contract of supply to ARFF. Your Union submitted a “fulsome” [CFO’s word] …

Federal Court Matters Update

Your Union’s legal representatives have filed draft directions orders with the Federal Circuit as a first step in the formal arbitration of your Union’s applications relating to rest relief, higher duties and hours and overtime payments while attending courses and workshops …………………………………  

October 27 Newsletter

In this issue: Federal Circuit Court Issues National Archives of Australia Issues Records Retention Notice ATCs begin EA negotiations Join the campaign to save your penalty rates Union website

CASA announces PIR MOS Part 139H

CASA has announced a PIR of the MOS Part 139H and as a key stakeholder in the provision of ARFF services at airports in Australia your Union has written to Mark Cunningham, the project leader, advising of our wish to participate and be involved in the project.  

Update on Federal Circuit Court Matters

Your Branch President and Branch Secretary, together with your Union’s legal counsel met with Airservices in Canberra on Wednesday 14th October 2015. The purpose of the meeting was for Airservices to talk through their interpretations of the various scenarios for payment of the “no 8 hour break” payment ……………….

Recruit Underpayments and Federal Court Applications

RECRUIT UNDERPAYMENTS RC73 ONWARDS Be assured that this issue has not stalled. Your Union and Airservices are jointly working to have the underpayments paid to affected members as quickly as possible ……. FEDERAL COURT APPLICATIONS As you are aware, your Union has filed dispute applications in the Federal Circuit Court. These applications relate to the …