3 Minutes To Live Campaign Launched – Government and all Federal Members should oppose DIRD ARFFS Regulatory Review Proposals

Last Wednesday 15th June the Aviation Branch launched its "3 Minutes To Live" campaign aimed at stopping proposals to withdraw Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting from some Regional airports and capping the expansion of Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting services [ARFFS] in Australia for at least 10 years to come.

Proposals contained in a public consultation paper issued by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development [DIRD] have as a "preferred outcome" the closing down of Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting services in at least 5 regional centres and delaying the expansion of services to at least another 5 locations.

Current regulations require the establishment of an ARFFS at an airport when it receives international flights or has 350,000 passenger movements per year [includes arrivals and departures]. The "preferred outcome" in the DIRD paper would raise the current threshold of 350,000 passenger movements to 500,000 passenger movements per year resulting in the withdrawal of ARFFS from a number of regional centres and delaying the establishing of services at a significant number of regional centres.

As part of our campaign we have set up a website at http://3minutestolive.com.au and a facebook page https://www.facebook.com/3minstolive  where you can join our campaign, email your MP and spread the word about our campaign to others.

We urge everyone to become involved and join our campaign.

Here are some pics from our launch at Tullarmarine last Wednesday.

First from left, Former Branch Secretary Comrade Mick Farrell talking with Branch President John Vaughan at launch.

Middle, Avalon and Vic Branch Comrades shoulder to shoulder at launch and right, National Secretary, Comrade Peter Marshall launching our campaign.


Peter Launch

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